Test your leadership skills!
The following quiz consists of 20 questions, which put the users in different interesting situations regarding their job, collegues, teamwork etc. After submitting the quiz, users will be given their score (max of 60 points) based on their answers, their current level and will provide them with resources, which will help them further develop their leadership skills.
The project “Digital Entrepreneur Academy” (DEA) focuses on finding solutions for young people's leisure time through the use of ICT, enhancing their motivation to be entrepreneurial, consistent and familiar with different areas of a business venture or project idea. These needs will be met by building young people's capacity for digital entrepreneurship which will accelerate the process of social inclusion, start-up of innovative youth entrepreneurship and self-employment in the economic niches of the modern world.
The needs of young people outlined above motivated us to form a creative partnership of Bulgarian, German and Lithuanian teams to achieve the main goal of the project: Engaging the free time of the target group and encouraging their business activity by creating intellectual products. This will lead to broadening their social horizons and increasing their economic, civic and digital literacy and provide better career guidance. The intellectual products created, and the results obtained from their functioning, impact and dissemination are markedly innovative. Within the DEA project the materials related to leadership competencies were reviewed, applied, and tested in the practical context of the business training system and the Digital Leadership Skills Questionnaire was created. Research has been done to identify which key leadership competencies could be developed. The nature of leadership competencies was highlighted, with a strong focus on socially responsible business.
Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.