The Digital Leadership Skills Questionnaire aims at helping junior enterpreneurs and other motivated individuals assess their leadership skills through answering interesting situational questions. After the quiz submission they will get a general overview of their leading skills and how they can improve and develop them. These skills are grouped into 4 major categories - Awareness, Influence, Innovation and Integrity - mastering them is the key to being a good leader.
Of course, this is not an easy task. That is why after the quiz evaluation, the users will be provided with descriptions and resource materials for the specific categories based on their current skill levels. Through the process the users will improve in the areas where needed.The materials for improvement include interesting articles, videos and even other quizes! All the questions, materials and resources were researched, developed and combined with great attention to detail by our team of researchers from Bulgaria, Lithuania and Germany, so that the users can improve their skills in the best possible and most efficient way!
This Leadership skills questionnaire is part of the Project "Digital Enterpreneur Academy" : 2020-2-BG01-KA205-079483
Email: office@amorbg.com
Address: Blvd. "Cherni Vrah" 47, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Association "Association for International Social Development" (AISD) is a NGO, that represents an extremely good combination of a team of highly experienced professionals from different fields to work encouragingly, contributing and assisting different groups of society. AISD has an important mission - to actively and purposefully support and develop the potential of different groups of people in Bulgaria through its educational and social initiatives. The organization's team strives to grow young people and society in a positive, stimulating environment.

LIBA (Lith. Lietuvos imitaciniu bendroviu asociacija “Liba“) is a non-profit Association, founded in 2015 and providing support to the Lithuanian Practice Enterprise network. LIBA was created by a group of active individuals and organisations working with the Practice Enterprise concept in Lithuania. LIBA is a young organization but all members have long-time experience working with the Practice Enterprise concept. LIBA has 42 members representing numerous institutions (universities, general education schools and VET) and regions of Lithuania. The Association is working according to the Strategic Action Plan for the year 2016-2020.

PEN Worldwide
The Practice Enterprise Network (PEN) was established in 1993 in Essen, Germany as a European Union funded project. Since 1997, the network has been run by the non-profit association PEN Worldwide (formerly EUROPEN-PEN International). The aim of the international network is to help education and training organisations in participating countries to deliver training in business and entrepreneurship skills through the unique Practice Enterprise methodology ‘learning-by-doing’.